Lecture 1: Introduction
Pope, Ch. 3
Lecture 2: Intro to Turbulence
Lecture 3: Turbulence Scales, Fourier Transforms
Pope, Appendix D-G
Stull Ch. 8.4-8.6
Example Fourier transform (MATLAB)
Lecture 4: Numerical Simulations, Equations of Motion
Voller and Porte-Agel (2002)
Bou-Zeid (2014)
Lecture 5: Scale Separation
Convolution example (MATLAB)
Convolution example data (MATLAB)
Convolution example animation (mp4)
Lecture 6: Filtered Incompressible Equations of Motion
Leonard (1974)
Lecture 7: Filtered Kinetic Energy Equation
Lecture 8/9: Filtered Compressible Equations of Motion
Lecture 10: Turbulence Modeling
Farge and Schneider (2001)
Colucci et al. (1998)
Lecture 11: SGS Modeling
Ghosal (1996)
Chow and Moin (2003)
Gibbs and Fedorovich (2014a)
Gibbs and Fedorovich (2014b)
Grinstein et al. (2007)
Germano (1992)
Lecture 12: Classes of SGS Models
Smagorinsky (1963)
Deardorff (1980)
Wong and Lilly (1994)
Germano (1991)
Gibbs and Fedorovich (2016)
Lecture 13: Smagorinsky Model
Prandtl (1927)
Chapter on Prandtl
Deardorff (1970)
Lecture 14: Other Eddy-Viscosity Models
Lecture 15: Similarity Models
Bardina et al. (1980)
Liu et al (1994)
Lecture 16: Mixed Models, Dynamic Models
Germano et al. (1991)
Lilly (1992)
Lecture 17: Stochastic Burgers Equation
Basu (2009)
Bertini et al. (1994)
Burgulence -- Ch. 7 in "New trends in turbulence Turbulence" (2002)
Lecture 18: Evaluating Simulations and SGS Models
Cabot and Moin (1999)
Lu et al. (2008)
Porte-Agel et al. (2000)
Sullivan and Patton (2011)
Wan et al. (2007)
Lecture 19: Statistical Conditions for a SGS Model
Meneveau (1994)
Carper and Porte-Agel (2004)
Bou-Zeid et al. (2010)
Higgins et al. (2003)
Lecture 20: a priori studies
Lecture 21: Inflow Boundary Conditions
Animation of turbulence grid generator (overhead; courtesy A. N. Hayati)
Animation of turbulence grid generator (side; courtesy A. N. Hayati)
Lecture 22: Surface/Wall Boundary Conditions
Schumann (1975)
Chapman (1979)
Choi and Moin (2011)
Lecture 23: Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling in LES
Lecture 24: Special Topic: WALE Model
Nicoud and Ducros (1999)
Nicoud et al (2011)
Lesieur and Metais (1999)
Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Project #1
DNS source code and data
LES source code
Project #2
Order of presentations
DNS Data (Dropbox link; ~1.9GB)